Hair loss and Herbal Remedies

Many people are care a great deal about their condition of their hair and some people spend a lot money on shampoos, conditions, treatments in order to help it look its best and to stay in the best condition.  A lot of people would almost do anything to prevent further hair loss or to seek hair re-growth.

Much hair loss and baldness is related to DHT or genetics; however, other factors may play a role such as hormonal problems, poor nutrition, medication, chemotherapy and thyroid disease.

There are a variety of pharmaceutical products that claim to promote hair growth and prevent thinning hair and help combat the causes of the hair loss. Some, however, can cause dangerous side effects and often do not work. It is always hard to know which products are the safe ones that actually do show results and it sometimes can take a lot of researching to find the right product.

Herbal treatments, however, have been used for centuries to treat the scalp and hair, and many are effective in the prevention of baldness, keeping hair looking healthy and can even help in restoring hair pigment to its original color.

Some natural alternatives to help restore your hair and slow down the hair loss problem are:

Ginkgo biloba - Rich in antioxidants, Ginkgo provides increased blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp, strengthening and stimulating the hair shaft.

Polygonum Multiflorum - Also known as Fo-ti or He shou wu, Polygonum multiflorum is a Chinese herb used for centuries to slow hair loss, promote new hair growth, restore hair to its original color and to slow the aging process. It is often mixed in with other herbs to create a tonic that stimulates the scalp and hair growth.

Topical aromatherapy applications - Using aromatherapy mixtures topically on the scalp may help regrow hair in some cases. A mixture of essential oils including rosemary, cedarwood, lavender and thyme can be applied to the scalp to stimulate blood flow and hair growth.

Reishi mushroom - Reishi mushroom, or Ganoderma lucidum is another well-known Chinese herb with many health benefits. Reishi mushroom is often combined in hair tonics along with Fo-ti and other Chinese herbs to promote hair growth and prevent balding. Find it at Chinese herbal shops where you would also buy Fo-ti.

Summary – the same as taking any pharmaceutical products it is always best to check that the product is safe. If you experience any side effects then you must stop taking the product immediately. It is always best to consult a medical professional if you are experiencing hair loss to ensure there is no underlying health issues that are the cause.

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