What is DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is the leading cause of hair loss.  Whilst we know what the leading cause of hair loss is, unfortunately there is no miracle cure to completely block its effects and solve the problem of hair loss forever.

DHT is a hormone. DHT is directly related to and affected by the level of testosterone in the bloodstream. DHT blocks the growth of hair in men and is the cause of most baldness. And even though this is a male hormone, women also have a small amount that runs through their blood, some higher than others. When a female inherits hair follicles that are supersensitive to DHT, they start to lose hair just like men do.

The most important structure of a hair follicle is the dermal papilla, which is responsible for hair growth. DHT cause the hair follicle to shrink and restricts the follicles ability to produce hair growth. This is how DHT is responsible for about 95% of hair loss. In addition to all this, DHT tends to create a wax like substance around the hair roots and it is this accumulation of DHT in the hair follicles and roots that gives rise to male and female pattern hair loss.

DHT is responsible for more than just hair loss in males as well. It plays a major role in the growth of facial hair, the deepening of the voice during puberty, sex drive, and muscle growth. Because of the important role it plays in helping men look and act like men, the hormone cannot be completely blocked or eliminated in the body.

The production of DHT in the scalp is the primary problem for men and women experiencing hair loss, which means that it is actually possible to have plenty of DHT to keep your body in balance, while at the same time virtually eliminating hair loss as a problem.

Stress and Hair loss

Your hair has a way of telling you if your body is in balance.  If you are healthy - physically as well as emotionally - your hair will be radiant and shining and your scalp pliant and moist.

If you are not well physically, or if you are upset emotionally, your hair becomes dull and lifeless - it will begin to fall out, and your hair will become waxy with the overproduction of your traumatised sebaceous glands.

If your hair is thinning or you are experiencing baldness and it seems abnormal either because you are young or female, it is more than likely that stress is the culprit of hair loss. Your hair is one of the first places your body shows distress. Illness, medication and imbalances in nutrition all show up in you hair and scalp.

Usually, it is not mild job or life stress that triggers hair loss, more likely it is extremely serious stress to the body that causes hair to stop growing and fall out. These types of stress can be initiated by some types of medications, diabetes, thyroid disorders and even extreme emotional stress, but also can be caused by commonplace life events like childbirth, miscarriage and surgery.

Any major change in our lives can be reflected in the condition of our hair, scalp and skin. We reflect our health and well-being in the condition of our hair and scalp.

But how does stress actually effect hair loss? Well hair grows in repeating cycles. The active growth phase lasts around two years and is followed by a resting phase that spans three months, after which the hair falls from the scalp. Normally, every strand of hair in your head is at a different point in this cycle, so the shedding is barely noticeable: a few strands in the shower drain, some more on your brush, a hair or two on your pillow. A normal head sheds at most 100 strands of hair a day.

However, when the body undergoes extreme stress, as much as 70 percent of your hair can prematurely enter the resting phase. Three months later, these hairs begin to fall out, causing noticeable hair loss.

The person will not become completely bald and the thinning will be fairly unnoticeable. However, it is this three month delay and the fact that the trigger seems so unrelated that causes confusion on the part of the patient concerned about hair loss.

Fortunately, in most cases hair will begin to grow back within six months. However, some people may face further periods of severe stress that may trigger the whole process to being again cause more hair loss resulting in a more long-term problem.

Hair loss and Herbal Remedies

Many people are care a great deal about their condition of their hair and some people spend a lot money on shampoos, conditions, treatments in order to help it look its best and to stay in the best condition.  A lot of people would almost do anything to prevent further hair loss or to seek hair re-growth.

Much hair loss and baldness is related to DHT or genetics; however, other factors may play a role such as hormonal problems, poor nutrition, medication, chemotherapy and thyroid disease.

There are a variety of pharmaceutical products that claim to promote hair growth and prevent thinning hair and help combat the causes of the hair loss. Some, however, can cause dangerous side effects and often do not work. It is always hard to know which products are the safe ones that actually do show results and it sometimes can take a lot of researching to find the right product.

Herbal treatments, however, have been used for centuries to treat the scalp and hair, and many are effective in the prevention of baldness, keeping hair looking healthy and can even help in restoring hair pigment to its original color.

Some natural alternatives to help restore your hair and slow down the hair loss problem are:

Ginkgo biloba - Rich in antioxidants, Ginkgo provides increased blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp, strengthening and stimulating the hair shaft.

Polygonum Multiflorum - Also known as Fo-ti or He shou wu, Polygonum multiflorum is a Chinese herb used for centuries to slow hair loss, promote new hair growth, restore hair to its original color and to slow the aging process. It is often mixed in with other herbs to create a tonic that stimulates the scalp and hair growth.

Topical aromatherapy applications - Using aromatherapy mixtures topically on the scalp may help regrow hair in some cases. A mixture of essential oils including rosemary, cedarwood, lavender and thyme can be applied to the scalp to stimulate blood flow and hair growth.

Reishi mushroom - Reishi mushroom, or Ganoderma lucidum is another well-known Chinese herb with many health benefits. Reishi mushroom is often combined in hair tonics along with Fo-ti and other Chinese herbs to promote hair growth and prevent balding. Find it at Chinese herbal shops where you would also buy Fo-ti.

Summary – the same as taking any pharmaceutical products it is always best to check that the product is safe. If you experience any side effects then you must stop taking the product immediately. It is always best to consult a medical professional if you are experiencing hair loss to ensure there is no underlying health issues that are the cause.

DHT and How It Affects Hair Loss

Many people feel that genetics is what causes hair loss, which is only partially true. People from the same blood line will of course have many similar physical characteristics. However, this is not the only cause.

If DHT were not part of every human in the world today, hair loss would not be nearly such a big problem as it is now. DHT is a hormone. DHT is directly related to and affected by the level of testosterone in the bloodstream.

Because there have been plenty research into hair loss, we are now aware what causes DHT, how this effects hair loss and how the effects can be reduced.

DHT in men is mostly a result of a decrease or depletion of testosterone in the male body. As for women, it is caused by a depletion of oestrogen, causing the woman to have more testosterone in her body than she should.

The effect of DHT varies in men and women. DHT hair loss in men occurs in patches while women it happens through thinning of the hair. This is more common in male than in females because men have more testosterone. It is a main cause of balding among men.

Anyone that suffers from hair loss may find that by stopping the production of DHT will cause their hair loss problem to diminish. Whilst there is no quick miracle product that will immediately stop the production of DHT there are a number of products that will help to reduce the amount of DHT that is produced.

What causes hair loss?

Men and women experience hair loss for similar reasons.

Hormonal Changes

Men, unfortunately, experience a more dramatic, specific pattern of hair loss commonly termed "Male Pattern Baldness." This loss is caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone linked with testosterone. DHT binds to receptor sites on the scalp and hair follicles, interacting and interrupting the normal chain of events involved in continual healthy hair growth.

Woman, experience many hormonal changes throughout their lives which can lead to hair loss. In general, women may lose hair after a pregnancy, or during menopause. But it is not limited to just these. Any number of hormonal imbalances can trigger hair loss in women.

Hormonal changes in both men and women can cause hair loss by directly affecting the cells responsible for hair growth or by affecting the level of nutrients and blood flow to the follicle. The hair follicle cannot maintain a healthy growth cycle without proper nutrients and may eventually fall out and die.


Stress affects the hormone balance and it will transmit signals to the hair follicles. The hair follicles then undergo a resting stage. Usually it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has occured and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. If the stress continues or is repeated the onset of genetic hair loss may worsen existing hair loss.


A series of other factors can cause hair loss, including diets, the use of certain bodybuilding supplements, and environmental factors.


Chemicals used for dying, tinting, bleaching, straightening or perms can cause hair to become damaged and break off if they are overused or used incorrectly. Also using excessive heat either by use of your normal hairdryer, straightners or curling tongs can lead to hair thinning. Overstating and excessive brushing also can cause hair to fall out if the hair shaft becomes damaged.

SUMMARY: As you can see there are many factors that can cause hair loss in both men and women but they all have one underlying theme in common, hair follicles that are affected by hormonal "clogging" agents and poor blood and nutrient circulation are less likely to experience a healthy growth cycle.

Hair Loss Signs

Most people notice hair loss when looking at themselves in a mirror.  It could either be a sudden shock one day or perhaps they have noticed it over a period of time.  Sometimes people found out when it is brought to their attention by other people.

Some people will notice hairs on their pillow in the morning or find that after brushing their hair more and more hair is left on their hairbrush or comb.

The thing about hair loss is that it can occur in anyone, men and woman, and at any age. Hair loss is not restricted to middle-aged men.

The Signs of Baldness in Men

Hair loss in men tends to occur on the front hairline and forehead and on top of the head The first sign of hair loss in a man is mainly a receding hairline. This would seem an obvious sign that you may be in the early stages of hair loss but because hair loss is a gradual process, it may take a while before you may notice it or even realise it has happened.

Hair loss can also present itself as thinning hair. It is not noticeable that hair is falling out but you may notice that your hair is getting gradually thinner. This is normal as a result of shrinking hair follicles. You may notice that your hair is getting thinner as the gap between your hairs widens. Widening areas between hairs can slowly reveal more of the scalp and this is an indicative sign of thinning hair which could lead to hair loss and possibly eventual baldness of the crown.

The Signs of Hair Loss in Women

There is generally only one early sign of women’s hair loss and that is thinning hair. Unlike men, women do not experience a receding hair line and rarely will a woman go bald. Hair loss involves the thinning of hair in general, all over the scalp but mainly at the crown. A woman may therefore notice a decrease in the size of her ponytail or the widening of her parting.

Because women’s hair is generally longer than men’s, concerning forms of hair loss can be hard for a woman to detect because even normal hair loss is so obvious. A woman may therefore notice the changes more effectively by looking at her hair brush. If you are noticing more hair on your brush quicker than before, or you find that you have having to clean your brush more often that you used to, this could be a sign that you are losing your hair more quickly.

Hair Loss and the Effect on our Appearance

In some circumstances, hair loss may be the dominant factor in how a person is assessed. Overall appearance figures prominently in the way others view us. The perception of hair loss as a cosmetic "defect" influences the way in which both men and women may be assessed, but it is often a detriment to women more than to men. The bald man may benefit from the "Mr. Big" image of the powerful bald-headed man. There is no such image from which women may benefit; thinning hair is an age-related cosmetic detriment for women, no matter at what age it occurs.

Hair restoration is not accomplished by a "one pattern fits all" approach. Every patient requires an individual approach to correction of hair loss. Factors requiring individual consideration include:

• Patient's age-e,g, will a younger person's hair loss likely progress for decades, and therefore require age-appropriate management at regular intervals?

• Patient's gender-e.g, the approach to correction of hair loss is often quite different in men and women.

• Cause of hair loss-e.g, while hereditary male-pattern of female-pattern hair loss is the most common cause of thinning hair, other causes must be considered and no correction undertaken until the cause is correctly diagnosed.

• Pattern of hair loss-e.g, the emphasis on hair restoration should be on restoring the appearance of natural growth and an asthetic effect appropriate to the patient.

• Degree of hair loss-e.g, planning of hair restoration must be based on the achievement of an outcome that is rational in terms of overall hair loss, and acceptable to the patient.

• Cosmetic relationships of the patient's hairline to other cosmetic features including forehead, eyebrows, ears and nose-e.g, overall asthetic effect must be appropriate for the patient.

Living with alopecia can be difficult in a culture that views hair as a sign of youth and good health.

Hair plays an important role in our social lives. Upon meeting someone, one of the first things you notice is their hair. Before any social engagement we also take a lot of time to ensure that we look good and lovely hair or good hair style always completes our appearance. Those affected by hair loss become aware of how important hair is in our social lives quickly.

Hair loss may cause the person to limit social activities. Some people avoid seeing friends and stop going out except to work.

Many people begin wearing more hats or caps to try to disguise their thinning hairline. In some serve cases some people resort to wearing artificial hair whether that be extensions to combat hair thinning or in some cases wigs.

For some hair loss may spark self-improvement tactics like starting to work our more. The improvement in physique gives more confidence, thus making less worry about hair loss.

If you are suffering from hair loss, and are concerned at all about the effects this may have, it is essential that you consult your GP for their diagnosis as to whether it may be temporary or likely to continue to and progressively get worse.